• broken image

    I am an educator and crone-in-training

    who loves

    good stories,

    bad puns,

    big adventures, and tight rope.

  • Blog

    Rated R for language, sexuality, and epic battle sequences

  • broken image

    Rivers Wash Over Me

    (Complete, not published)

    Alicia is a sex, kink, and polyamory positive warrior raising her fist from the safety of her own little virtual soapbox. Offline, however, she hides this part of her life from everyone outside of the dungeon and her chosen family: Liam, the man she can’t live without but is too afraid to let fully into her life, and Chloe, her once-and-future girlfriend. After a brutal assault destroys both her sense of freedom and of self, she fights to reclaim her sexuality and overcome a lifetime of internalized societal bullshit.

  • Other Places to Find Me

    broken image
    broken image